Equality and Diversity

At Hazrat Khadijatul Kubra Girls School, we are committed to:

  • Doing everthing that we can to ensure everyone is treated fairly
  • Eliminating unfair and unlawful discrimination and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
  • Advancing equality and fostering good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not, within our school community and beyond

To ensure equality of provision across our school, we have set out our equality objectives for 2024 to 2027 below:

Objective 1

Promote role models and heroes that students positively identify with, who reflect and broaden the school’s diversity.

Objective 2

Raise equality awareness within students and staff, ensuring tolerance and respect towards individuals who identify with any of the protected characteristics.

Objective 3

Train all members of staff and trustees involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination by the beginning of the next academic year.

Click here to download our equality’s policy