Dress Code
It is our strong belief that every culture and religion has its distinct identity. As such, attending this course provides an excellent opportunity to express our own outward Islamic identity and belonging as Muslims.
We expect all our pupils to wear full uniform at all times unless special permission is given.
We operate a strict no shoes policy across our building. Student are expected to bring their own indoor shoes that they can store in their classroom. No heeled shoes are allowed.
- Jilbaab: Plain black loose garment which reaches below the ankle with school logo
- Scarf: Plain bottle green (hair, back and chest must be completely covered and the scarf securely fastened)
- Cardigan: Black cardigan with school logo (Leather or hooded jackets will not be allowed)
- Footwear (outdoors): Flat black shoes
- Footwear (indoors): Indoor shoes, flat and plain.
- Bag: Plain, black, navy blue or grey
- Coat: A black coat must be worn especially in winter
The clothing under the jilbaab should be loose and smart. Please note; make-up may not be worn in school.
Pupils are not allowed to wear:
- Short skirts, trousers or leggings (Leggings can only be worn under a long loose skirt or dress)
- Denim or casual clothing
- Tight fitting clothing
- Jewellery, make-up and nail varnish
PE Kit
- Black long sleeved top
- Black tracksuit bottoms or trousers (no leggings)
- Black scarf (one-piece)
- Trainers
If pupils need to be excused from PE due to illness or injury, they must bring a note from the parent/carer. If there is a long-term issue, we request a medical note. Pupils who are excused, must still bring their kit to wear, as they must take an active role in PE.
Please visit the Mansuri Schoolwear website to purchase the school uniform.
754-756 Stratford Rd, Birmingham, B11 4BP
0121 778 2787

8.30 am
Assembly – Pupils will be considered late if they are not in the assembly hall by this time.
9.00 am
Lesson 1
9.50 am
Lesson 2
10.40 am
11.00 am
Lesson 3
11.50 am
Lesson 4
12.40 pm
Lunch & Salah
1.35 pm
Lesson 5
2.25 pm
Lesson 6
3.15 pm
End of school day
4.10 pm
End of extracurricular
Please note that the above times are indicative only and are subject to changes for salah, especially during the winter months.
Good attendance is essential if your daughter is to get the best out of her education. Regular attendance ensures school work is up to date, students are engaged in learning and make progress.
We register our pupils twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon. Pupils who are not in the registration by 8.40 a.m. will be marked late. If pupils are regularly late, they will be placed on an attendance report and the parents/carers will be contacted.
Parents are requested to send in a note if their daughter has been absent. Please include the following information in the note:
- Name of your daughter
- Dates of absence
- Reason for absence
If your daughter is likely to be absent for more than a day, please send in a note of explanation as soon as possible or contact the school by telephone, even if you let the school know about your daughter’s absence.
Pupils who have a dental or medical appointment should show an appointment card or letter to the form tutor at morning registration. Girls leaving the school premises early must sign out in the office. We urge parents to make appointments outside school hours.
There is no entitlement to holiday leave during term-time unless authorised by the Headteacher. Pupils in year 10 or 11 will not be granted leave during term-time unless exceptional circumstances apply. If you intend to take a family holiday during term-time, you must complete a holiday form and return it to the office. If leave is granted and the pupil fails to return by the approved date then they maybe taken off the admissions register. Parents are strongly advised to to submit a holiday request to the headteacher at least 4 weeks before booking any holiday.
We encourage good behaviour and a positive attitude towards work. We recognise and reward students who embody our core values, display excellent behaviour, work hard and attend school regularly.
We are fortunate to have exceptionally well behaved students who are respectful, compassionate and charitable. In rare cases, sanctions are applied for persistent or serious misconduct. Behaviour incidents that merit sanctions may include:
- Persistent lateness
- Disruption in lessons
- Failure to do homework
- Rudeness to staff and to other pupils
- Bullying
- Theft
- Fighting
- Vandalism
- Not adhering to school dress code
- Using a mobile phone
- Chewing gum
The school expects to be actively supported by parents on disciplinary matters. For more details, please read our behaviour policy.
If a pupil is ill or has an accident in school, parents are contacted and the incident is recorded. It is therefore vital that the school has up to date contact details and emergency contact numbers.
If a pupil is prescribed medication or has a medical condition, parents/carers must inform the school immediately to ensure that we provide the necessary and appropriate care for your child. Please provide the school office with the prescribed medication, clearly labelled.

All pupils must stay on school premises at lunchtime. Pupils will will need to bring their own packed lunch. We have a tuck shop that sells snacks at break and lunch time.
We encourage students to bring healthy lunches and snacks. No fizzy drinks or energy drinks are allowed in school.
Pupils are given weekly homework. The amount of homework set will vary depending on the year of study, subject and time of examination. Planners are issued to all students and homework should be recorded in the planner. Parents are requested to check and sign the planner weekly.
Following our biannual exams, students attend academic coaching sessions with their form tutors and note their targets in their planners. Parents are advised to review their daughters’ coaching notes.
It is our aim to enter all pupils for all examinations. However, in the case of poor attendance, low attainment and insufficient progress, students may be withdrawn from a particular examination, following a thorough review with the leadership team and a discussion with parents/carers.
Pupils will receive a short report in January and a long report in July of every year, inshallah. Parents evenings will be held twice during the course of the year to allow parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress, strengths, areas of development and how they can best support them.
- Pupils at HKKG are taught and encouraged to develop excellent character, be ambitious and strive for excellence.
- They:
- are polite and kind
- show respect to staff, each other and visitors at all times
- listen and follow instructions
- are honest and helpful
- respect the property of others
- support one another and work together
- Our student attend school regularly and on time, ready to learn.
- Parents are supportive of our ethos and share our high expectation for behaviour, attitude to learning and attendance.
- Our students are always in correct uniform, smartly dressed and fully equipped.
- Our student respect the rules of the school and do not not leave the school grounds without permission.
- The following items are not allowed in our school:
- Chewing gum
- Unauthorised magazines or newspapers
- Tippex and solvents
- Cigarettes, matches/lighters
- Sharp objects/Knives
- MP3-MP4 Players/Ipod or any other digital media playing instruments/CD’s, mobile phones etc
The school website provides our parents and students with vital information on key policies and procedures, particulars of the curriculum offered by the school, results of public examinations, information and support around student wellbeing and welfare and updates on school events and activities. Including:
- Curriculum maps for all subjects.
- Policies and advice on bullying, child protection and safeguarding, health and safety, the positive behaviour, rewards and sanction systems and ou complaint procedure.
- Our school ethos, visions and aims.
- A summary report of Ofsted school inspection, which is also provided to all our parents and students within 5 days of receipt of report.
- Key term dates and a full yearly calendar.
- Wellbeing advice and how to keep your child safe on the internet.
- Half-termly newsletters with updates on school events and pupil achievements.