Autumn Term 2024

Term Starts 

Monday 2nd September  Teachers training day 

Tuesday 3rd September Teachers training day 

 Wednesday 4th September School opens for Years 7  and 11 students

Thursday 5th September School opens for all students

Half Term  Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November 

Monday 4th November  Staff training day 

Tuesday 5th November  School reopens for all students 

Term Ends: Thursday 19th December

Friday 20th December Teachers training day

Spring Term 2025

Term Starts 

Monday 6th January   School reopens for students 

Half Term  Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February

Monday 24th February  Teachers training day

Tuesday 25th February School reopens for all students

Term Ends: Thursday 10th April

Friday 11th April Teachers training day

Eid Holiday: TBC

Summer Term 2025

Term Starts

Monday 28th April:  School reopens for students

GCSE Exams start – 13th May

Half Term: Friday 23rd May – Friday 30th May

Monday 2nd June:  School reopens for students

Eid Holiday: TBC

End of academic year:  Friday 11th July 

Staff Days: 14th July – 16th July 

Calendar dates are subject to change (Visit isams parent portal and app for up-to-date calendar and timetable)