GCSE Examination fees

GCSE examination fees are due by January 2024.


Summer 2024 Exam timetable

GCSE examination timetable (pdf)


Getting ready for your Exams


Please click to view the JCQ Candidate information


GCSE Results Day

Students can collect their GCSE results on Thursday 22nd August 2024, between 10 am and 12 pm. Staff will be available, on the day, for support and guidance. GCSE certificates will be awarded during the November awards ceremony.

GCSE results can only be issued to the student. If students are unable to collect their results themselves, they should email the exam officer on, exams.officer@hkkg.bham.sch.uk in advance. The school will then email the results to the candidate.

We advise our students to bring their offer letters and a photo ID when visiting their chosen sixth-forms/colleges. 

Not satisfied with your grade?

If you did not meet the conditional offer of your chosen 6th form or college, we advise the following:

1. Speak to your subject teacher for advice.

2. Contact the college/6th form to discuss your options.

3. If you are unhappy with your grade and decide to apply for Review of Marking, you must first speak to the exams officer to discuss the process, complete the relevant forms and pay the required fees before the deadline. Details are found on the Post GCSE Results Service page. Please be aware that grades can potentially go up or down.

Post Results Service

If you’re unhappy with any of your results, you can ask for a clerical re-check review of marking or access to scripts. 

If you would like to request any of the services, please complete the forms below and submit to exams.officer@hkkg.bham.sch.uk.

Request for review form

Access to scripts consent form 

Deadline and fees information 



Our deadline

Awarding body deadline


Access to scripts


5 September

8 September

Clerical re-check

(This can take up to 10 days)

AQA: £8.25

Pearson: £11.90

(per unit, component or module)

24 September

28 September

Review of marking

(This can take up to 20 days)

AQA: £38.35

Pearson: £42.40

24 September

28 September

Original marked script


24 September

28 September

Please note that following a clerical re-check or review of marking, subject grades and marks can go up or down. If the original mark is raised, then a refund of fees will be issued.  

Please see the AQA and Pearson websites for further information on post results services that are available.

AQA | Exams admin | After results | Post-results services

Post-results services | Pearson qualification

We are now accepting private candidates for GCSE and GCE (A-level) Examinations. For full details of subjects offered and terms, please read the candidate information booklet.