Alhamdullilah, we underwent an Ofsted Inspection in March 2024. You can view the latest Ofsted report here.

Some feedback from our Ofsted Report 2024
“Pupils flourish at this warm and welcoming school which is at the heart of a culturally diverse community. They grow into compassionate, respectful and resilient young adults throughout their time at the school. Pupils show real pride and understanding of their role within wider British society. Leaders have been careful to nurture this.”
“A culture of mutual respect between staff and pupils permeates all that is done across the school. Many pupils comment that ‘we are one big family here’.”
“Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils receive an education that gives them the knowledge, skills and qualifications to reach their future potential. Staff share this ambitious vision and work hard to achieve it.”
“teachers receive effective professional development to enhance their early teaching practice. Leaders take careful account of staff’s workload.”
“Across most subjects, leaders have planned the curriculum carefully and have set out the knowledge they expect pupils to learn in detail. This knowledge is
ordered well. This helps pupils to make sense of their learning and they make strong progress as a result.”
“Pupils who have additional needs are well supported. Teachers understand and meet these needs well, and these pupils make strong progress as a result.”
“Teachers’ expectations of pupils’ behaviour are incredibly high.”
“Pupils’ understanding of their social and moral responsibility is impressive. Leaders provide plenty of opportunities to enhance this”
“There is a culture of safeguarding at the school, and pupils are safe here. Leaders have a deep understanding of the risks to pupils in the local area and act quickly to keep pupils safe when needed.”