Personal Development

A Whole School Approach


Physical, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE) provides opportunities for students to develop skills such as perseverance, resilience, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, self-management, team work, locus of control, time and stress management.


Students with greater emotional, behavioural, social, and school well-being had higher attainment and were more engaged (Gutman & Vorhaus, 2012).


Our personal development programme also aims to develop strong, independent students with vital life skills, including money management, work skills, First-Aid and leadership, through workshops, structured programmes, visits and student-led whole-school projects.



PSHEE will be taught through five enrichment days over the year, each addressing various areas of the PSHE curriculum, SMSC, British Values and human rights. Three main three main themes will be explored: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world.

The PSHE curriculum is not taught in vacuum, whole school assemblies and form time activities introduce ideas and follow up on topics covered in our enrichment days. In addition, the themes are embedded across the curriculum wherever it is relevant to promote the characters and values as well as skills acquired within the classroom. 

Our behaviour policy and procedures reflect the practice of taught virtues, how students must respect each others’ rights and be empowered to demand their own rights. Staff encourage students to apply taught principles and ideas in their everyday life, whether in school or outside, including charitable activities, conflict resolution between peers, managing expectations, planning and target setting for their future and their role in the wider community.

Delivery of our PSHE curriculum

The enrichment days are planned on a 5 year cycle, to ensure all areas of the curriculum are covered with review and overlap across curriculum subjects.

Overview of Enrichment Days


Autumn term 1


Enrichment Day 1


Character Education


Autumn term 2


Enrichment Day 2


Healthy Relationships


Spring term 1


Enrichment Day 3


Mental & Physical Health, First Aid and Hygiene



Spring term 2


Enrichment Day 4


Careers and Finance


Summer term 1


Enrichment Day 5


Citizenship, Diversity, and the Environment

Assemblies: Votes for Schools resources, Islamic events, International days, speakers, current affairs and school events.

Form activities: Votes for Schools, Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) and academic coaching.

Extra-curricular: clubs, trips, workshops, careers day (fayre), international days, charitable activities and appeals and student led brunch clubs.

Cross-curricular: PSHEE, SMSC, British Values and safeguarding across the curriculum, cross-curricular trips, Ramadan and Hajj projects, poetry and creative writing competitions, Art competition, Maths Challenge, PI Day, Science Week, World Book day.

Anti-Bullying: United Against Bullying Programme, Anti-bullying week activities, Diana Awards anti-bullying Ambassador training and Diana Award Mentoring programme.