GCSE Examinations

We wish all our students success in their exams. We pray that Allah grants them peace, patience and focus during these difficult time. We encourage our students to utilise the support offered during this month. Our doors are open and we hope to be able […]

Cyber Choices Challenge

We are extremely proud of our year 8 student, Imani Choudhry, who is the 2023 regional (WM) winner of the National Crime Agency’s Cyber Choices Challenge. She was presented with a certificate and £100 Amazon voucher by the WM police, for her impressive achievement. This […]

Enrichment Day 3

Our pupils explored topics of mental health and physical health, tested their fitness, and discussed drugs and vaping. The year 10s made colourful stress balls and our resident Dietician, Mrs Abdel-Moein ran engaging workshops. All the year groups completed First-Aid sessions, including, sessions on allergy, […]