Alhamdullilah, first and foremost. We thank Allah for his blessings.

Congratulations to all our students and their families for their great achievements. I am proud of the work that they have put in and the support of their teachers and families.

May Allah grant us useful knowledge. I wish our beloved students all the best, we hope to see you soon in November to celebrate all your success and ask that Allah blesses you. Please remember all the lessons learnt, friends made, and all the great memories and moments.

Remember, that education is more than grades and certificates, it is about lifelong learning, collaboration, problem-solving, resilience, and developing good character, which is heaviest on the scale on the day of judgement.

Go out into the world as proud Muslimas and HKKG students and leave a mark on the world. I expect great things from you all.

For a summary of our results, please visit our Ofsted and Performance Data page.

Here are some highlights of this year’s results:

  • 80% pass rate in 5 GCSE or more
  • 97% pass rate in English
  • 93% pass rate in Science
  • 83% pass rate in Mathematics
  • 100% pass rate in Religious Studies

Top grades (9-7)

1/2 of our students achieved a top grade in Religious Studies.
1/3 of our students achieved a top grade in Science.
1/4 of our students achieved a top grade English.

This has been an emotional day for many, and we are here for you if you need to discuss your next step.

Ms Jihar

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